Why Am I Gaining Weight After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Why Am I Gaining Weight After Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Why Am I Gaining Weight After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Regaining some of the weight you lost after gastric bypass surgery can be an emotional challenge. However, every journey has its challenges and weight regain is a setback that can be managed and reversed with a little help.

Identify the Cause

The first step in regaining control of your weight is to identify the underlying cause of the weight regain. In some cases, the same reasons you put on weight in the first place are at work again. If you have been losing weight consistently since your surgery, identify what has changed?

Find Support

Next you should seek support from your weight loss surgery program.  Sometimes the cause of your weight regain will be difficult for you to determine without professional assistance. While you may think the weight is returning because you missed a few exercise sessions, the underlying problem may be a stretched stomach pouch which is very difficult for you to identify without help. Bariatric Surgery Centers of Excellence like Surgical Weight Loss Center of Utah, have a plan in place to help you quickly regain control of your weight either through behavior and diet modification or with an incisionless surgical procedure like StomaphyX.

Reaffirm your Commitment

Regardless of the action taken to correct your weight regain, this is a good opportunity to renew your commitment to the weight loss journey you are on. If you have slackened off in your efforts to be active or control your portions, now is a good time to strengthen your resolve to stick with your surgical weight loss plan.

If you have not been attending support group meetings or have lost contact with your surgical team, consider making the extra effort to be closer with people that are there to support you.

Be Positive

Don’t lose hope. Weight regain is a manageable setback that can be reversed with a little effort. The key is taking action immediately. The longer you leave it, the harder it is to regain lost ground. So if you think you are gaining weight; take action now!