Weight Loss Patient Testimonials

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  • Melissa: 120 lbs. Weight Loss

    Melissa: 120 lbs. Weight Loss

    My lifestyle before I had weight loss surgery was normal as to most that have a weight problem. I have been on Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, South Beach, Atkins, Nutrisystem, Medifast, (insert diet plan here) you name it I’ve done it. These all worked in the beginning, lose 20, but I would gain 50 and so on. I have been to the doctors on numerous occasions to see if they could help me. I was put on many different drugs for weight loss. Finally the doctors got fed up and told me that there was nothing else they could do. I eventually got so frustrated, I developed Binge Eating Disorder. I would eat food in mass quantities and then hide the wrappers or packages in the garbage so no one could see what I had done.

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  • Clifta: 100 lbs. Weight Loss

    Clifta: 100 lbs. Weight Loss

    I had the lap band surgery in October 2008. I am so grateful for all of the things that I can do since having the surgery and losing weight. I can now bend over to pick up something off the floor or get down on my knees to work in the garden and then get back up without having to crawl to a bench. I’m kind of a klutz and occasionally lose my balance and fall flat on my face. The first time I did that after losing a significant amount of weight was outside my dog groomer’s shop. I tripped on a rubber mat and was flat on my face before I knew what happened. My first thought was, “I hope nobody saw me.” My second thought was, “Hey! It’s okay! I can get myself back up!!”

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  • Pauline: 100 lbs. Weight Loss

    Pauline: 100 lbs. Weight Loss

    After a herniated disk ruptured in my lower back, I lost function of my right leg and could not get the weight off from my recent pregnancy. I ended up having surgery to clean off the disc, which relieved pain, but an MRI showed that there were 2 more herniated discs, at risk of rupture. My physician told me that I needed to lose weight to improve the back problems, but re-injury to the back would result from trying to exercise.

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  • Kim: 105 lbs. Weight Loss

    Kim: 105 lbs. Weight Loss

    Deciding to have a Gastric Bypass was one of the best decisions I have ever made! My highest weight was 275 lbs. I lost 20 lbs. to get down to 250 lbs. and stayed there. I knew I needed help. I have Fibromyalgia, had Diabetes and High Blood Pressure and was exhausted all the time. I now weigh 145 lbs., no more Diabetes or High Blood Pressure.

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  • Barta: 110 lbs. Weight Loss

    Barta: 110 lbs. Weight Loss

    This journey not only changed how I look but how I feel. After my surgery, I graduated from College and moved on in my career to a job that I am on my feet moving constantly. Without the surgery I would not be able to do my job or participate in my life as I know it today. I lost a total of 110 pounds and have kept it off for 5.5 years. Every day is a new beginning as I did not lose the ticks or triggers that led me to the place I was before my surgery.

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  • Heidi: 143 lbs. Weight Loss

    Heidi: 143 lbs. Weight Loss

    My name is Heidi and I had Laparoscopic Banding Surgery April 30th 2009. I have lost 143 lbs. I am very happy I had this surgery. I can do things I was unable to do before, such as the ability to cross my legs, I can bend over and put my shoes on by myself, I can do physical activity that I could not do before. I love it that I can buy smaller, more stylish clothing without needing to buy from the plus size section. However, the most amazing change is doing things with my son that I was unable to do before. I went to Boondocks with my son and was able to race him in the go carts. I would not have been able to do this had I not have had the surgery.

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  • Brett: 140 lbs. Weight Loss

    Brett: 140 lbs. Weight Loss

    I was never really heavy until I was in my mid-twenties; I have EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) which has caused my knee caps and other joints to dislocate ever since my early teens. I had surgery at age 23 to tighten the ligaments in my knees to keep them from dislocating. After years of recovery my weight started to move upward. With the wear and tear of the weight and years of dislocating joints, my knees were shot.

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  • Lee Anne: 190 lbs. Weight Loss

    Lee Anne: 190 lbs. Weight Loss

    In the third grade I started in a new school. I can still remember how cruel the other children were. I was called names like “Fatso, Slim, Hippo”. In the eighth grade I wore a size 20. High School was very miserable. I was the outcast. I was never chosen to be on any teams. I was never invited to parties or asked to a dance or even asked out for a coke after school. Besides the way I was treated by people, my health was very poor. I was on oxygen several times; I had asthma, and quite often ended up with pneumonia. I had problems with depression, back, leg and ankle pain. I could hardly move.

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  • Sandy: 100 lbs. Weight Loss

    Sandy: 100 lbs. Weight Loss

    My name is Sandy. I am 46 years old. I am 5’8″ tall. My weight at its highest was 277 lbs. I have had medical issues for about 10 years now. I have had disc degeneration in my spine and have had neck surgery and lower back surgery to remove discs and the stenosis so it would relieve the pressure, so I could do daily tasks. After seeing a variety of doctors, I was finally diagnosed with Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS) around Christmas of 2008. I know there is no cure for it but I take life one day at a time with a smile on my face.

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  • Ricky: 155 lbs Weight Loss

    Ricky: 155 lbs Weight Loss

    I have lost a total of 155 lbs. And I feel so much better not carrying around all that extra weight. It was like carrying two people around all the time.

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