Duodenal Switch Surgery (SADI-S)

Loop Duodenal Switch Info Video

Duodenal Switch surgery (SADI-S) is a highly effective weight loss surgery with a proven record of long-term weight loss success. Duodenal Switch surgery helps those who are severely overweight or morbidly obese experience their maximum excess weight loss.

Bariatric Medicine Institute specializes in the Duodenal Switch procedure, so call us today to see if you qualify as a candidate for this life-altering procedure.

Duodenal Switch Procedure

The Duodenal Switch procedure combines both restrictive and malabsorptive components allowing patients to experience maximum weight loss results quickly and maintain them long-term:

Restrictive – In the first part of the DS surgery, the outer curvature of the stomach is removed while the remaining stomach is shaped into a long, slim sleeve also known as a vertical sleeve gastrectomy. Unlike other gastrectomies, the vertical sleeve gastrectomy leaves the pyloric valve in place in order to control food movement into the small intestine removing the patient’s risk of dumping syndrome and other complications such as blockages and stoma closure.

Malabsorptive – The malabsorptive component of the Duodenal Switch procedure involves rerouting portions of the small intestine in order to create two separate pathways from the duodenum to the lower portion of the small intestine. This technique reduces the amount of calories the patient’s body absorbs by limiting how long food can mix with digestive juices before being moved into the large intestine.

Duodenal Switch Benefits

Weight loss surgery in general can provide those who are severely overweight or morbidly obese with numerous improved health benefits. Losing weight as a result of Duodenal Switch surgery can help treat the following symptoms:

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Heart Disease

Amongst other bariatric surgery options available today, the Duodenal Switch procedure has similar risks to other weight loss surgeries but the extent of the intestinal changes mean that DS has a higher risk of nutritional deficiencies developing over time without lifelong dietary follow up. Most recipients of the Duodenal Switch procedure experience 60 to 85 percent excess weight loss after 18-months which is usually higher than that seen in other weight loss surgeries. .

The Duodenal Switch procedure is also effective at treating Type 2 diabetes because of its ability to reduce the body’s need for insulin or oral hypoglycemic medicine post-surgery. According to some studies, duodenal switch surgery is effective in curing Type 2 Diabetes in 99% of cases.

Because the Duodenal Switch leaves patients with a larger stomach than gastric bypass, patients are able to enjoy more satisfying portion sizes, than is possible with other bariatric surgeries. Because of the larger stomach sleeve, Duodenal Switch patients also have a reduced risk of vomiting.

Duodenal Switch Risks and Complications

As with any bariatric surgery, the Duodenal Switch procedure does have certain risks and potential complications to consider before making the decision to undergo surgery. Our doctors can help you evaluate your individual risks with your potential benefits, but below is a condensed list of some of these complications.

Risks and Complications

Short-Term Risks:

  • Bleeding during or after surgery
  • Injury to liver or spleen
  • Blood clots
  • Infection
  • Pneumonia
  • Hernia
  • Anemia
  • Kidney Stones
  • Diarrhea

Long-Term Risks

Some common concerns after Duodenal Switch are malnutrition, excess gas and diarrhea. Before scheduling your Duodenal Switch procedure talk with our doctors about these risks and any other concerns you may have.