Weight Loss Patient Testimonials

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  • Ann - 110 lbs. Weight Loss

    Ann - 110 lbs. Weight Loss

    After having my first child, I began gaining weight and continued to gain for the next 46 years! I thought I might be too old for gastric bypass surgery but Dr. Cottam took me on – 6 weeks shy of my 67th birthday. In the two years since my surgery, I have lost about 110 […]

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  • Artemas - 130 lbs. Weight Loss

    Artemas - 130 lbs. Weight Loss

    I was not always obese. I was thin until I became pregnant with my son at age 25. I gained over 75 lbs. during my pregnancy, and was never able to get the weight off after I gave birth. I tried starving myself, Weight Watchers, Phen-Fen, South Beach Diet, Atkins, etc. All of these resulted in some weight loss, but after a few months the weight would start to creep back on. I continued to gain more and more weight and at my peak I weighed 338 lbs.

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  • Nancy - 72 lb. Weight Loss

    Nancy - 72 lb. Weight Loss

    I have struggled with weight issues ever since my high school days. If I stayed active enough I could stay within my normal weight range, but once I got married and started having children it became harder and harder to keep weight off. As I aged I developed Thyroid issues and my weight continued to go up. I would try dieting and lose some weight, but end up gaining it all back after I stopped.

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  • Steven - 250 lbs. Weight Loss

    Steven - 250 lbs. Weight Loss

    Three years ago, at 450 pounds, I had a hard time walking from one end of my house to the other without becoming exhausted. I never went into the basement because it was too hard to get back up the stairs. My doctor told me that on a scale of 1-10 my chance of having a heart attack was a 9. I was taking 18 pills and 70 units of insulin daily. I was mentally and physically thinking about, and preparing to die.

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  • Nicole - 143 lbs. Weight Loss

    Nicole - 143 lbs. Weight Loss

    My journey began when I was just a teenager. I struggled with my weight going up and down, and then it would go up higher than it was originally. I found myself in my 30′s with back problems, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. I knew at that point, I needed a permanent solution. I decided to have a Gastric Bypass, with Dr. Richards as my surgeon.

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  • Chelsey: 102 lbs. Weight Loss

    Chelsey: 102 lbs. Weight Loss

    I have never been a skinny person in my whole life! At birth I weighed 9 lb 13.5 oz and was 24 inches long. Neither of my parents are short, skinny, or small-boned, so I just figured that I was meant to be large-boned, tall, and overweight.

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  • Marril Lee: 112 lbs. Weight Loss

    Marril Lee: 112 lbs. Weight Loss

    My story begins with my marriage in 1955. I was a slim (125 lbs), 5’ 7” tall, young (18) and very happy to have found the man I wanted for my lifetime. We began having babies, and after twenty years we had produced eight very healthy children. But, along with that came the weight. I had trouble losing the extra weight after each pregnancy, and consequently I retained at least seven pounds after each one–so you see, that adds up.

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  • Linda: 113 lbs. Weight Loss

    Linda: 113 lbs. Weight Loss

    I can’t describe how wonderful I feel since I had my gastric sleeve! Before surgery, my health was not good. I had Type II diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, knee and lower back pain. I was not able to get up off the floor without having to scoot over to the couch and push myself up with my arms. I could not get down and play with my Grandchildren. I had tried many ways to lose weight over the past 30 years: Weight Watchers, liquid diets, Nutra-Systems, Phen-Phen and many others. The weight would come off and then creep back on again, plus more.

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  • Sean: 327 lb Weight Loss

    Sean: 327 lb Weight Loss

    At my highest weight, due to years of lying in bed from a back injury, my weight had climbed to 626 pounds. It came on slowly and I didn’t even realize how big I was until the doctors couldn’t weigh me anymore. I was not about to lie in bed and die because of my weight problem. During this time I was accepted to Law school, something I had always dreamed of doing, only to realize that I couldn’t get out of bed and walk 10 feet without a cane, so how would I be able to take the rigors of law school? I basically had to put my entire life on hold, never knowing if I would ever be able to fulfill my dreams.

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  • Lisa - 100 lb Weight Loss

    Lisa - 100 lb Weight Loss

    Hi! My name is Lisa and on April 5, 2010 I had gastric bypass surgery. I truly believe it was the best personal decision I have ever made. I would like to begin by saying I have actually GAINED! I gained a new birthday one day after my original birthday and yes, I celebrate them both! I gained self-confidence, energy, a better lifestyle, and the ability to truly enjoy and embrace life. I love being able to hold my head high and look people in the eye as I pass them by, but the most important one I can look in the eye is the one staring back in the mirror.

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