Healthy Habits

  • Fitting in Fitness after Bariatric Surgery

    Fitting in Fitness after Bariatric Surgery

    Even though you won't have to cook much food for yourself, your diet will be much easier to follow if you are encouraging your family to follow a healthy diet by cooking nutritious meals every night and keeping fast food out of your house. You will also need to fit at least 30 minutes of exercise into your schedule every day. All of this comes on top of your existing obligations, hobbies and activities, not to mention the eight hours of sleep you are getting every night, right?

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  • Boosting Zzzs after Bariatric Surgery

    Boosting Zzzs after Bariatric Surgery

    Everyone is guilty of it. The late nights, the early mornings, the midnight snacks there are some habits that drastically interfere with your ability to get a great night's sleep, yet we regularly find ourselves falling subject to the same unhealthy routines. After bariatric surgery in Salt Lake City, it is time to address these poor habits and make strides to improve your health inside and out.

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  • A Home Fit for Weight Loss

    A Home Fit for Weight Loss

    Do you live in a healthy home? Though we may not always notice it, our habits are strongly influenced by our environments, and nowhere is this truer than our own homes. By setting up a home environment that promotes weight loss, you can make it much easier to stick with the healthy habits you're learning from your weight loss surgeon in Salt Lake City.

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