Fitness 101: Stability Ball Workout Tips

Fitness 101: Stability Ball Workout Tips
Fitness 101: Stability Ball Workout Tips

With all of the workout fads being featured in the media, it’s hard to know what really works and what does not. If you’re faced with a busy schedule, or you’re looking for a routine you can do at home, then a stability ball is one piece of equipment that may be able to help you reach your daily fitness goals. The stability ball focuses on exercises that stretch and tone the entire core, back and front. It’s also a great compliment to patients who have gotten a gastric band in Utah, because of its versatility and portability.

The ball itself can range from a foot to roughly two feet in diameter, and the size you use will depend on how tall you are, and the purpose that you are hoping the ball will serve. A smaller stability ball gives you a good platform for passive exercises like abdominal stretches, where the ball is placed under your back as you lie on the floor.

It is important not to rush into stability ball workouts immediately following your weight loss procedure, as your body will first require time to heal. The stability ball can be used in different ways to help you get fit as you advance from mild to moderate exercise levels. Sitting on your stability ball while working on your computer or watching TV, for example, can help you to tone your core without doing any direct form of exercise.

For a more strenuous workout, draping yourself over the ball on your back to do free weight exercises increases your range of motion for better muscle definition. The stability ball also transforms the classic push up to maximize upper body strength.