Fitting in Fitness after Bariatric Surgery

Fitting in Fitness after Bariatric Surgery
Fitting in Fitness after Bariatric Surgery

Fitting in Fitness Post- Bariatric SurgeryUnfortunately, it isn’t possible to add a few hours to each day and create time for weight loss. After getting bariatric surgery in Utah you might scratch your head as you wonder how you are going to fit in all these new healthy habits.

Even though you won’t have to cook much food for yourself, your diet will be much easier to follow if you are encouraging your family to follow a healthy diet by cooking nutritious meals every night and keeping fast food out of your house. You will also need to fit at least 30 minutes of exercise into your schedule every day. All of this comes on top of your existing obligations, hobbies and activities, not to mention the eight hours of sleep you are getting every night, right?

To make the most of the 24 hours allotted to you it is sometimes best to multitask. If you are like most American adults, you have a job to go to for at least eight hours of the day. And whether that job is in a courthouse, an office building, a school or a hospital, chances are there is a desk, a break room or lounge where you get 10 to 30 minutes at a time to stretch out and take a breath.

To boost your weight loss efforts consider the benefits of adding a brief workplace workout to your day. Just sneak off to your private work space or an empty lounge and sneak in a few quick and simple moves to increase your daily activity level and enhance your weight loss efforts.

Here are a few quick workplace workouts you can try:

  • March and lift: To do this quick exercise, march in place at a steady pace while simultaneously pushing your arms over your head as if you were lifting something. Keep up this simple activity for several minutes, or at least for 20 steps with each foot.
  • Backwards kick: Make sure there is nothing behind you, then lift one leg at a time, kicking behind you while simultaneously stretching your arms towards your back. Your arms and legs should both curl.
  • Side lunges: Clear the area to the right and left of you and stand facing forward with your hands on your hips. Take a large step to your right and lean to your right side until your left leg is fully extended and your right knee bent. Then carefully shift your weight to your left and repeat the motion.

Before you try any of these activities, talk with your bariatric surgeon to ensure that you are ready for physical activity. For an added boost of motivation, try putting together a workout group at your workplace and doing these activities with a friend!