Get the Most out of Your Lap Band

Get the Most out of Your Lap Band
Get the Most out of Your Lap Band

If you are looking to undergo gastric banding in Salt Lake City, then there are some things that you should know in order to get the most out of your lap band procedure. Most importantly, gastric banding in Salt Lake City is not a magical tool that will transform you as a person. It can be a life-changing procedure, but to truly experience lasting change, there are certain guidelines that you should follow and habits that must be developed.

Social Eating:

We are communal creatures, designed to socialize and exist in relationships with others. Eating out can become problematic for lap band patients. The number one rule is to consume protein first. Filling up on nutritious protein followed by produce leaves little room for empty calories. Though breadsticks and chips may provide temptation, focus on conversation and sipping water.


Dieters and those who are trying to lose weight often label food in terms of good and bad. This can set you up for failure as the temptation to resist “bad” food becomes overwhelming. Instead, view food as real or fake. Aim to consume real, whole foods that have few ingredients and nothing processed or refined. For example, a potato is real; fries are not. If you cannot pronounce or do not know some of the ingredients on the nutrition label, it is likely best to steer clear.

It is okay to occasionally give in to your cravings as long as you are still eating real food. A cup of hot chocolate may have a lot of calories, but if you are making it using real cocoa, raw sugar, real milk, and real cream, your body is able to process it while absorbing antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. A packet of sugar-free hot chocolate is laden with artificial sweeteners that may have fewer calories but may do far more harm than good.