Stop Overeating and Lose Weight

Stop Overeating and Lose Weight
Stop Overeating and Lose Weight

It can be difficult to stick to overly restrictive diets. When you feel deprived, you can be tempted to cheat, and sabotage your weight loss plans. A better strategy is to alter your eating habits for an overall healthier approach. Here are a few dietary tips to help you stop overeating and finally lose weight!

  1. Keep specific foods that you tend to binge on out of the house. Having cookies or chips where they are easily accessible makes temptation hard to resist. Only pick up favorite splurges once in a while for special occasions and consume in extreme moderation, rather than having them on-hand at all times. If you have to drive across West Valley City for your snack, you will be less likely to go through the effort.
  2. Make sure that your meals have an adequate amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats. For instance, try having a salad with grilled chicken breast, a bit of dressing, and a whole wheat bread stick on the side. If your meals are not balanced, you are more prone to have cravings later on.
  3. When you feel hungry between meals, try drinking a glass of water before hunting up a snack. You may actually be thirsty instead of hungry.
  4. If you’ve just had a snack, wait at least 20 minutes before going back for more. It takes time for your stomach to send sensations of satiety to your brain.
  5. Set a specific time for treats. For instance, do not allow yourself to have you favorite after work snack until after dinner, and when it is finally time for snacks make sure to set aside a proper portion.
  6. Do not be too tough on yourself. If, despite all your efforts, you are still unable to lose weight and are suffering from weight-related illnesses, talk to your doctor about obesity surgery. Processes such as gastric banding can help you take off the weight and improve your health.