Stop Stress from Influencing Your Waist Line

Stop Stress from Influencing Your Waist Line
Stop Stress from Influencing Your Waist Line

Stress can cause your waist line to expand rapidly if you are not careful. For people that have had gastric bypass in Salt Lake City, there is a special reason for keeping the waist line in check. Not only have they dieted to look and feel better, but they have had a medical procedure to accomplish their goal. It would certainly be a shame to spoil that effect.

One thing you can do is to attack the stress itself. Assess the stress factors in your life and your reactions to them. Notice how you feel when you are stressed, and learn to recognize it immediately when it occurs. Make a log of the times you are stressed and how your eating habits change at those times. Before you eat, think about whether it is stress-eating or whether you really need the nourishment.

Next, work on controlling that stress. One way to do this is by learning to meditate. Find someone who will listen to your worries and problems, even if you have to go to a professional therapist. Look for the people who give you the most encouragement, and spend time with them. Exercise is a good stress-reducer, and sleeping enough makes you more ready to take on the challenges of the day.

Another way to stop stress from taking over your eating habits is to stay away from comfort foods. If you have lost weight in Salt Lake City, you will need to steer clear of overly fatty or sugary foods even though eating them might make you feel more relaxed and comfortable emotionally for the moment.