Exercising After Weight Loss Surgery

Exercising After Weight Loss Surgery
Exercising After Weight Loss Surgery

Exercising After Weight Loss Surgery

Exercise is recommended to almost everyone. Whether it be to lose weight or to stay toned, exercise is an important and beneficial part of our overall wellness. Although exercise is a positive activity for anyone trying to make permanent lifestyle changes, there are situations when you should consult with a doctor before engaging in physical activity. If you are recovering from a recent bariatric surgery it is imperative that you work closely with your doctor before jumping into any strenuous activities. You may want to start right away, but by working with your doctor you can take the proper steps to safely begin a fitness routine that best works for your post-bariatric lifestyle.

Following this type of procedure it is important to begin cautiously. Take baby steps. You want to start with small things to increase your range of motion; you also want to focus on light strength training because as you lose weight, you will also lose muscle. The surgeon or post-surgical team will be integral in directing any type of exercise program, but any program will begin with light, non-taxing exercise such as walking or light aerobics. Getting out and taking a walk in the fresh air will not only make the body feel better, but take care of the mind as well.

Here are some exercises that can be done in the beginning of your weight loss program:

  • Walking
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Resistance training with dumbbells or weight bands

Low resistance exercises with varying thicknesses of resistance bands are recommended at first, and as the surgical site heals other activities can be added in. Although it may be difficult at first, activities that are approved by a physician such as weight training can be added and will make the patient begin to feel better and see dramatic results.

Surgical weight loss is an option that provides you with an opportunity to feel and look the way you want. But, a post-bariatric lifestyle includes following the doctors instructions in diet, exercise and mental health. You are committing to a new lifestyle, with stricter limitations and guidelines. Slowly integrating additional doctor-approved activities such as bike riding and sports such as tennis and running add not only to physical health, but mental health. With these additions to your routine you will be well on your way to your wellness goals.