What to Expect after Bariatric Surgery

What to Expect after Bariatric Surgery
What to Expect after Bariatric Surgery

During the first weeks and months following your weight loss surgery procedure such as the StomaphyX procedure it is important to be proud of yourself. You’ve just made a major change, and your body will physically need time to heal. Before you are released from the hospital, talk to your bariatric surgeon about what your body can or cannot do immediately following the operation. Walking, for example, is a safe physical activity that can be done each day after surgery while your body heals. Five to seven days after the surgery, you will meet again with your bariatric surgeon to check on your healing progress. Meet with your dietician to ensure that you are getting the right balance of nutrients. Many weight loss surgeries restrict both calorie consumption and nutrient absorption, so a balanced diet is absolutely essential.

In the months that immediately follow the surgery, don’t worry about your long-term weight loss. Instead, stay focused on achieving your dietary and physical activity goals for each day. Worrying about dropping a lot of weight can be overwhelming. By focusing on actionable goals (working out for 30 minutes, eating five fruits and vegetables daily), you’ll be helping your body get one step closer each day to a healthy weight.

Working out every day by yourself can get boring. You may wish to work out with a personal trainer several times a week, sign up for a new class at the gym, or dedicate one day every weekend to a new physical activity (hiking, biking, yoga), to beat workout boredom. When you feel overwhelmed or frustrated with your progress, lean on your support team!

Three months after surgery, you should meet with your medical team for blood work and an initial assessment. Follow up appointments at six months and nine months will ensure that your body has safely healed from the surgery and that your daily nutrition needs are being met.

Remember, every weight loss journey is unique, and not every day will be a step forward. While surgery for weight loss is important, the surgery itself is just one part of an overall lifestyle change. Wherever you are in your journey, stay focused on making the long-term changes that will help you lose the weight and keep it off for life!