Diet before Bariatric Surgery

Diet before Bariatric Surgery
Diet before Bariatric Surgery

Your diet in the weeks and months before bariatric surgery may change as much as your diet afterward. Depending on your current weight and the procedure that you are seeking, your doctor may want you to lose up to 8% of your current body weight before your weight loss surgery. The weight loss before surgery can help protect against surgical complications.

Changing eating habits before surgery can help you get used to the dietary requirements you’ll face after surgery. After surgery, you will only be able to eat small amounts of food at a time, such as two ounces of lean protein.

In general, before surgery, you will be on a restricted calorie diet and eat around 800 to 1200 calories a day. You will most likely be instructed to avoid sugar and fat, and to get around 100 grams of protein each day. Pasta and bread made with white flour should be restricted, as well, along with coffee, soda, and high calorie drinks like smoothies.

Many doctors prescribe a high protein liquid diet. This can help reduce belly fat and decrease the size of your liver. Protein shakes are available by prescription, and also over the counter at many health food stores in the Salt Lake area. It may take a couple of months to transition completely to the liquid diet. This diet will be followed for the first couple of weeks after surgery, as well, when you will only be able to consume 2 ounces of liquid at a time.