Diet with the Duodenal Switch

Diet with the Duodenal Switch
Diet with the Duodenal Switch

If you’re battling obesity and contemplating a duodenal switch in Salt Lake City, it’s important to know what to expect when it comes to your post-surgery diet. The duodenal switch procedure reduces the size of the stomach and shortens the intestine, altering your body’s ability to digest and absorb food and nutrients. The duodenal switch can help you lose excess weight fast, but also requires you to make some changes in the way you eat.

Following surgery, your surgeon will put you on diet that is broken down into certain phases. Each phase will have certain dietary rules and guidelines as to what you can eat. The duration and foods may vary depending on your individual case, so it is important to follow your surgeon’s guidelines precisely.

Preparing Meals after DS Surgery

Because the duodenal switch surgery reduces the size of the stomach, you will need to adjust your diet to consume meals that provide approximately 75 to 120 grams of protein daily. Of course, individual needs may vary depending on your surgeon’s instructions.

Every day it is important to choose foods that can supply you with the proper amount of protein your body needs. If you are having trouble finding ways to get the recommended amount of protein into your diet, then you may want to look into protein powders. By simply adding a protein powder to a bottle of water you can reach your daily nutrient goal. These powders can often be incorporated during the liquid phase of your diet as well, but talk with your surgeon first. Depending on your current phase of food reintroduction, food choices and serving sizes will vary.

Supplements after DS Surgery

The duodenal switch operation is malabsorptive. This means that the way your body digests nutrients will change following your DS procedure. While this change permits you to absorb fewer fats and enhance your weight loss efforts, it also means that you need to be careful of vitamin deficiencies.

Taking vitamins regularly is an important aspect of life after DS. Your doctor may suggest liquid or chewable supplements depending on your preferences.

The dietary limitations after duodenal switch surgery are small, especially compared with other types of bariatric procedures, but that is not an excuse for poor eating habits. Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly has a big impact on your mind as well as your body, and can help you to maintain a healthy way of life for years to come.

The most important thing to remember after DS surgery is to follow your surgeon’s dietary instructions to avoid any complications. If you have any additional questions concerning dietary guidelines with the duodenal switch, don’t hesitate to speak with your weight loss surgeon.