Positive Mindset

  • Stress Management after Weight Loss Surgery

    Stress Management after Weight Loss Surgery

    Stress is your body's reaction to adverse or demanding situations and circumstances. While limited amounts of stress can be motivating and lead to creativity and problem solving, most often, stress leads to anxiety, high blood pressure and frustration. It's important, then, to learn how to properly manage stress after weight loss surgery, especially if you had trouble dealing with the stresses of everyday life before your surgery.

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  • Find Your Mantra after Weight Loss Surgery

    Find Your Mantra after Weight Loss Surgery

    A mantra can be a line, phrase, quotation or any meaningful thought that deeply resonates with you. It might be an encouraging phrase your weight loss surgeon said last time you were in the office, or maybe something you saw on a poster once. You can use motivational quotes to help yourself push harder after weight loss surgery.

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  • Mood Changes after Bariatric Surgery

    Mood Changes after Bariatric Surgery

    After having bariatric surgery in Salt Lake City Utah, you can expect to experience changes in more than just the size of your body. From your mental health to your physical health you are in for a world of transitions in the months and years following your bariatric procedure. All of this may seem like a walk in the park compared to the mood swings some people find themselves caught in as they lose weight.

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  • Feeling Positive after Bariatric Surgery

    Feeling Positive after Bariatric Surgery

    You could walk up to anyone on the street and ask them what they dislike about themselves, and absolutely everyone will have an answer. It is part of human nature to be dissatisfied, especially with our own faults. The problem for some is that this list of things we are unsatisfied with is longer than the list of things we are happy with. That is, if there is a list of things we are happy with!

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  • The Bright Side of Weight Loss

    The Bright Side of Weight Loss

    If you've had weight loss surgery in Salt Lake City, there is much to be optimistic about. With the help of a procedure like gastric bypass, LAP-BAND or sleeve gastrectomy, you're on the way to better health, with a slimmer waistline and more active lifestyle soon to come.

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  • Healthy Weight Loss Tips for Life

    Healthy Weight Loss Tips for Life

    When you are looking to lose weight, developing healthy habits will help you to lose weight and keep it off permanently. Many people choose weight loss surgery to shed pounds and enjoy a new figure. While weight loss plans in Salt Lake City can help you shed pounds quickly, it is essential to practice the 10 healthy habits for weight loss that will keep the weight off for life.

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