Weight Loss Behavior

  • Living Healthier on a Budget

    Living Healthier on a Budget

    Surgery candidates for a gastric sleeve in Salt Lake City will often benefit from making healthier lifestyle choices. Healthy food and medical choices can be budget friendly and help you live a better life.

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  • Prevent a Weight Loss Disaster

    Prevent a Weight Loss Disaster

    Sometimes people end up sabotaging themselves by being too concerned about what other people think about them. They want to please other people, and in doing so they put what other people want above their own needs. Doing this is a recipe for weight loss disaster.

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  • Stop Stress from Influencing Your Waist Line

    Stop Stress from Influencing Your Waist Line

    Stress can cause your waist line to expand rapidly if you are not careful. For people that have had gastric bypass in Salt Lake City, there is a special reason for keeping the waist line in check. Not only have they dieted to look and feel better, but they have had a medical procedure to accomplish their goal. It would certainly be a shame to spoil that effect.

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  • Setting long-term weight loss goals

    Setting long-term weight loss goals

    If you have undergone obesity surgery in Salt Lake City, you know that the surgery is only part of a comprehensive lifestyle change that will lead to long-term weight loss. To lose all of your unwanted weight, you must follow the diet and exercise plan designed by your weight loss surgeon in Salt Lake City. Create a set of realistic long-term goals to start yourself on the path of healthy weight loss.

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  • What to Expect after Bariatric Surgery

    What to Expect after Bariatric Surgery

    During the first weeks and months following your weight loss surgery procedure such as the StomaphyX procedure it is important to be proud of yourself. You've just made a major change, and your body will physically need time to heal. Before you are released from the hospital, talk to your bariatric surgeon about what your body can or cannot do immediately following the operation. Walking, for example, is a safe physical activity that can be done each day after surgery while your body heals. Five to seven days after the surgery, you will meet again with your bariatric surgeon to check on your healing progress. Meet with your dietician to ensure that you are getting the right balance of nutrients. Many weight loss surgeries restrict both calorie consumption and nutrient absorption, so a balanced diet is absolutely essential.

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  • Stop Overeating and Lose Weight

    Stop Overeating and Lose Weight

    It can be difficult to stick to overly restrictive diets. When you feel deprived, you can be tempted to cheat, and sabotage your weight loss plans. A better strategy is to alter your eating habits for an overall healthier approach. Here are a few dietary tips to help you stop overeating and finally lose weight!

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  • How Carbohydrates Fit Into a Healthy Diet

    How Carbohydrates Fit Into a Healthy Diet

    You may be under the impression that all carbs are bad, but that’s not the case. The right carbohydrates have their place in your diet and weight loss goals in Salt Lake City. Your body requires carbohydrates to function, but some carbs are better than others.

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  • Clearing the Weight Loss Plateau

    Clearing the Weight Loss Plateau

    Weight loss following bariatric surgery can be very significant. As our bodies adjust to new lower calorie diets as well as exercise, our metabolism must find alternate sources of energy to burn. Calories stored in fat are burned first, followed by a carbohydrate known as glycogen that is stored in muscle. As glycogen is used, water weight is also burned off resulting in this significant initial weight loss.

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  • Losing Weight: Are you Ready for the Change?

    Losing Weight: Are you Ready for the Change?

    Getting started with a weight loss program is a big step. Before you commit to weight loss surgery, such as bariatric surgery, it's important to be sure you are fully ready to make significant lifestyle changes. Long-term, successful weight loss is not easy. It takes determination, perseverance and commitment. It is also important to understand that weight loss surgery itself is not a silver bullet. While weight loss surgery can help you in your weight loss journey, you will also need to commit to eating right and exercising regularly. Are you ready to change? Ask yourself these five questions.

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