Weight Loss Blog

  • Exercise, Weight Loss Surgery and Stress Relief

    Exercise, Weight Loss Surgery and Stress Relief

    When it comes to evaluating the mind-body connection, stress is an interesting place to start. As defined, stress is pressure or tension wielded on an object. Anything that instigates change or creates a challenge or poses a threat of any sort can be considered stress.

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  • 25 - Benefits of Journaling after Weight Loss Surgery

    25 - Benefits of Journaling after Weight Loss Surgery

    Journaling is a process that encourages self-realization and relaxation. When you open a journal there are no obligations, no judgments and no expectations. It is you and the paper, and whatever thoughts, hopes, frustrations and habits you want to log.

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  • Tips to Create an Exercise Schedule

    Tips to Create an Exercise Schedule

    For many people, the intention to exercise daily is there, but it doesn't always happen. Weight loss surgery improves your ability to lose weight, and pushing yourself with healthy habits like regular exercise will help you throughout that process.

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  • Hydrate Yourself after Weight Loss Surgery

    Hydrate Yourself after Weight Loss Surgery

    A lot of people hold off on hydrating themselves until they are thirsty and ready to drink as much as they can. The problem with this after weight loss surgery is that you won’t be able to drink too much at once.

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  • Compliments, Weight Loss and You

    Compliments, Weight Loss and You

    As you lose weight after weight loss surgery, people are likely going to notice, and sometimes they will say something to that effect. This might feel a little awkward at first. After years struggling with your weight, you might be taken aback by the positive attention and kind words that come your way when the weight starts to come off.

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  • The Sleep and Weight Loss Connection

    The Sleep and Weight Loss Connection

    How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Your answer to this question can have a big impact on your ability to lose weight. Adults who get less than six hours of sleep every night are more susceptible to weight gain and are at a greater risk of being overweight or obese. As you develop healthier habits after weight loss surgery, better quality sleep should be a high priority.

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  • Find Your Mantra after Weight Loss Surgery

    Find Your Mantra after Weight Loss Surgery

    A mantra can be a line, phrase, quotation or any meaningful thought that deeply resonates with you. It might be an encouraging phrase your weight loss surgeon said last time you were in the office, or maybe something you saw on a poster once. You can use motivational quotes to help yourself push harder after weight loss surgery.

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  • Don't Feed Your Feelings!

    Don't Feed Your Feelings!

    Emotional eating is a habit that leads many of us to weight gain. It's a form of overeating that causes us to search for snacks when we aren't physically hungry, using them to appease our emotions instead of our rumbling stomachs. At the end of the day, the extra calories of these snacking habits can add up significantly, slowing down weight loss after surgery.

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  • Try Out Yoga after Bariatric Surgery

    Try Out Yoga after Bariatric Surgery

    You have many choices for exercise after weight loss surgery in Utah, but few will boost the health of your body and mind quite like yoga. For thousands of years, this meditative, invigorating workout has been helping people develop full-body fitness and keep stress under control, and it can do the same for you as you lose weight.

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  • Thirsty? Drinking Water after Weight Loss Surgery

    Thirsty? Drinking Water after Weight Loss Surgery

    Drinking water is something we all do and have done our whole lives, though some of us perhaps not as diligently as others. Our bodies need water for survival. We rely on water to function, but more often than not water is replaced with sugary counterparts that, while thirst-quenching, don't quite give the body what it needs in the same way as a big cup of fresh water.

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